
Our Buggy Quiz

Struggling to pick a stroller? Try out our buggy quiz!

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If the wide world of buggies has you feeling a bit discombobulated, you’re not alone. There are so many different prams out there - all in different shapes, sizes, price points and functionality. It feels super high stakes that you get it right too - not only because it’s going to be holding your bundle of joy, but also because of that aforementioned pesky price point. 

That’s why we’ve made a buggy quiz: to help with your wheel-y important decision. It’s a great starting point on your journey to find the perfect pram. Click here to give it a try!

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(P.S. Our quiz will give you the best pram for the parameters it’s been given, but it’s not as clued-up as our Baby Brains. If you’d like tailored, bespoke advice specifically for your lifestyle and situation, book an appointment with them now. Did we mention it’s all totally free?)

Need help or advice? Our Baby Brains are here for you!