
10 Baby Shower Games To Keep Your Guests Entertained

If you need some ideas for baby shower games to play, we’ve got you covered.

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Baby showers are a fairly new phenomenon in the UK. Your mum probably didn’t have one. We’d hazard a guess that your nan definitely didn’t have one. They’re an export from the good ol’ United States, where they’ve been throwing baby showers and gender reveals and every other kind of party you could possibly conceive of for years. We’re a little slower with picking up trends over on this side of the Atlantic, but eventually, we get the gist. 

Planning a baby shower and getting your decorations in order is the easy part. The difficult bit comes when people actually start showing up at your door. Baby shower games are the main event - besides treasuring precious time with all your loved ones, of course. 

There are plenty of baby shower games to play if you like a bit of forced fun (but emphasis on the fun!) They’re a great way to entertain your baby shower guests, and it’s an especially good way to break the ice if you’re mixing groups that usually wouldn’t interact - Uni friends with work mates? Eeeek! 

If you need some ideas for baby shower games to play, we’ve got you covered: 

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  1. Nappy Changing Challenge - It’s time to brush up on your nappy-changing skills! All you’ll need for this game is a load of nappies and a baby doll - and a stopwatch, if you want to get really official with your challenge. One at a time, everyone who wants to take part tries to put a nappy on the doll the fastest. Winner has the fastest time. Parents have a bit of an advantage with this one, but the way we see it, it’s a great way to pick up some pointers!
  2. Guess the Baby Food - Granted - this one might go down better with friends and family that are a little tipsy. To play guess the baby food, stock up on all kinds of different jarred baby food. Take off the labels, and maybe even get a blindfold involved if you’re really committed to the challenge. Then, get your guests to guess what flavour is gracing their tastebuds. Keep track of who guessed what by jotting it down, and whoever gets the most right, wins! You could even take bets on which bit of baby food the parents-to-be pick as their favourite. 
  3. Nursery Rhyme Quiz - Who doesn’t love to bump itsy bitsy spider on the aux? For this baby shower game, you’ll be revisiting the classics. Make a quiz with the lyrics from classic nursery rhymes with a word missing, and see who can fill in the blanks correctly! You can range from the easy (‘ba ba black sheep, have you any —-’) to the obscure (‘Peter Peter pumpkin eater, had a —- and couldn't keep —-’.) 
  4. Baby Photo Match - Get ready to ooooo and awww. Baby shower games don’t get much cuter than this. For a game of baby photo match, ask your guests to bring a baby photo of themselves, put together a little PowerPoint of everyone’s photos and have your guests try to match the adorable baby photo to the equally adorable adult.
  5. Baby Shower Bingo - Something old meets something new. Embrace your inner pensioner and crack out some bingo cards! To play baby shower bingo, you’ll need to create bingo cards with baby-related items such as pacifier, bottle, stroller, etc. (LittleList has a great selection of baby items if you’re looking for some inspiration…) As the gifts are opened, guests mark off the items on their cards. The first guest to get a bingo wins a prize! (Or your undying love - either or.) 
  6. Baby Name Game - Because you definitely haven’t been scrolling through enough baby name lists while you’re expecting… The baby name game is a great way to get your guests giggling at some of the ridiculous names out there. Give your guests a list of popular baby names and have them try to match each name to its meaning. The guest with the most correct matches, wins!
  7. Onesie Decorating - Etsy, eat your heart out. Grab a bunch of the (cheapest) white baby onesies that you can find, a load of fabric markers, and whatever else you dare to decorate your onesies with. (Approach glitter glue pens with caution!) Once you’re all stocked up, give each guest a plain onesie and let them go to town. The best-decorated onesie wins! If your baby actually wears the winning onesie is up to you, though.
  8. Baby Mad Libs - Who doesn’t love a bit of Mad Libs? Create a Mad Libs-style story about your baby and read it aloud to guests - the more ridiculous, the better. Ask guests to fill in the blanks with adjectives, nouns, and verbs. The resulting story is sure to have you rolling on the floor.
  9. Baby Charades - It’s a winner at Christmas, and it’s sure to be a winner at your baby shower! Start by writing baby-related words or phrases on slips of paper and put them in a bowl/hat/round object of your choosing. Then, your guests take turns drawing a slip of paper and acting out the word or phrase for their team to guess. You know how charades work!
  10. Nappy Bag Memory Game - If you’ve already got your nappy bag (and if you haven’t, take a look at these!) Fill your changing bag with baby items like a bib, dummy or nappy cream if you’ve got them and are committing to the baby theme. If you haven’t had your LittleList delivery yet, you can fill it with any items that you have inside your house. Have guests look at the items for a few minutes and then take the items out of the bag. The guest who can remember the most items wins.

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When it comes to baby showers, one thing is for certain: you’re going to end up with a lot of presents for you and your baby. But your friends and family might not know exactly what you want or need. You might accidentally end up with more soft toys than Hamleys at Christmas. That’s where LittleList comes in! As your one-stop shop for all things baby, you can highlight everything you’d like to receive in one easy, convenient place. Click here to browse through our hundreds of baby brands or here to get started with your baby registry!

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