So, the baby’s out and you’ve made it home. Finally! But… why is there a queue of people outside your house/clogging up your phone, just desperate to meet your precious firstborn?
Of course, you want your loved ones to gaze at your perfect creation in wonder. But you’re also knackered, keen to get settled and adapt to life as a rookie parent, without worrying about whether you’ve got enough milk in the fridge to serve tea to seven clucking aunties, 12 broody mates and one awkward father-in-law who’s looking everywhere except at your swollen boobs.
Every mum we’ve met says they regret allowing quite so many visitors round in those early weeks with a newborn. While you’re getting to grips with looking after a baby and all it entails, and trying to enjoy your first days as a family while your partner (hopefully!) has time off, you need a bit of space. There are some people who’ll naturally require and deserve priority access to your babe – grandparents and your bestest friend in the whole wide world, for instance – but the rest, with a bit of careful management, can wait. Here are a few tips to keep everyone happy – including you.