
Self-Care in Pregnancy Tips (Before You Have a Whole Tiny Person To Deal With)

How to get in some me-time before your mini-me shows up.


Most of your thoughts are probably going to one thing right now: your baby! But you’ll have plenty of time to think about your baby. You’ll have the next eighteen years, in fact. And maybe another 50 on top of that depending on how this whole cost of living thing works out. So for now, we want to encourage you to practise some self-care and put yourself first. Kick back, relax, put the kettle on, and prepare to be pampered. 

Woman writing

Pen the great American novel (or… just keep a journal) 

Harken back to days of endless teenage angst. You might have found that furiously scribbling down all your thoughts in a diary (with the phrase ‘it’s not a phase, mum!’ highlighted and underlined a million times.) Writing down your feelings is a great outlet for all the emotions - the good, the bad and the ugly. It can also be an adorable keepsake for you to go back to and revisit all the excitement of pregnancy. 

Enjoy your last hurrah as an autonomous adult

Not that you’ll ever want your bundle of joy to ever leave your side, but this is the last time you’ll be able to independently do things with your partner, if you have one. (Without getting a babysitter involved, that is.) 

Enjoy this time together. Check in with one another. You’re obviously the star of the show here, but your partner is probably feeling a whole whirlwind of emotions too. When your baby pops out, you’ll be each other’s go-to support systems, so it’s important you’re on the same page! (Sounds like a no brainer, but these things can get lost in all the excitement of growing a human.) 

And if budgets allow, do some of the stuff that will be way more hassle with a baby, whether it’s a play you’ve been wanting to check out for months, or an adults-only luxury holiday. Soon your social life might be a little more Wind The Bobbin Up-centric than you’re currently accustomed to, so make the most of doing grown-up stuff unencumbered by nappies and breast pads.

Soak up

Grab your favourite scented candle, a bit of bubble bath and a good book. A luxurious bath is a great way to spoil yourself. Enjoy having a proper, grown up bath without rubber ducks, bath crayons or just general plastic tat… (we mean toys!) 

Have a nap-a-thon

Remember all those early mornings when you would have done anything to sleep an extra 15 minutes? Your time has come! Resting up lots is an essential part of pregnancy self-care. Sleeping might feel difficult right now on account of the tiny person growing inside you, but snuggle up to your pregnancy pillow, put on some whale sounds and get some shut-eye. Naps should be as essential to your day as breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Enjoy a tipple (alcohol-free, of course)

Just because you’ve had to give up boozing for 9 months doesn’t mean you have to swear off fun drinks forever. There’s more alcohol-free booze on the market than ever before. You’ll find an alternative version of your go-to pub classic, guaranteed. 

If alcohol-free drinks leave you missing the real thing, you could always give smoothies a go instead. Not only will you be an ultimate health goddess, you’ll also finally be able to use up all that fruit that goes mouldy before you can actually eat it.

Woman in bath

Go for a stroll 

You know what they say - nature is healing! Getting out in the fresh air is sometimes the most relaxing thing in the world. (And sometimes it’s torrentially raining, mud gets everywhere, and there’s somehow a twig in your hair. You win some, you lose some!) Light exercise not only makes you feel smug and superior about how not-glued-to-your-screen you are, but also helps you head off to sleep better. 

As a general rule, pregnancy is a time to treat yo-self. Eat that chocolate. Watch that boxset. Curl up and burn that expensive candle that you’ve been saving for a special occasion. We support you and all your self-caring. 

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