
Feeling Rough? Don’t Worry, There’s LOTS to Look Forward to…

You’re in the yucky bit of pregnancy right now, but there is a TON of very exciting stuff just around the corner…


Psst, you’re pregnant! We know, right? Yes, it’s early days, but there’s still plenty to talk about. However, since you’re probably not currently talking about it with very many people at all, please allow us to assume the role of your wing-women and give you a bit of a pep talk. You’re in the middle of the peak yucky bit of pregnancy right now, when you probably feel exhausted and nauseous (or worse), but let us tell you that all this fatigue is for a good reason: you are cooking up a beautiful baby and there is an absolute TON of very exciting stuff just around the corner… 

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In about 3 weeks… if you’re suffering from “morning sickness” (yes, we know it lasts all day - time for a rebrand?!), it *might* start to ease off a bit. Hooray!

In about 5 weeks… you’ll get to see your baby a-wiggling for the first time as this will be about when you’ll have that all-important 12 week scan. SO. VERY. EXCITING!

In about 6 weeks… many expectant parents choose around this time to announce their news to the world. Well, maybe not the world (unless you’re Kardashian-adjacent) but YOUR world. Whether you splash the news across your social media channels or whisper it to friends on a need-to-know basis, sharing your secret is a lovely feeling. Especially if you like attention.

In about 10 weeks… it can vary for different women, but around this time is when you’re quite likely to start feeling your baby moving around - and there’s no feeling quite like that first kick. It can be frustrating when you try and film the wiggles, or invite your loved ones to cop a feel only for baby not to play ball, but keep trying! 

In about 12 weeks… again, no two bumps are the same, but you’ll likely be showing by this point. It might even be time to crack open that pack of maternity knickers you bought in a fit of excitement a few weeks back.

In about 13 weeks… it’s time for the 20 week scan! This is when, if you want to know, you’ll be able to find out what sex your baby is. Wow, this is all getting a bit real isn’t it? With feeling prepared in mind, it’s also a great time to enthusiastically finish compiling your LittleList - and then share it with your friends and family (or shop it yourself).

In about 16 weeks… you will be GLOWING! Hopefully. The middle-ish bit of pregnancy is when many women feel the most energetic and healthy. During this week you’ll likely start to look unmistakably pregnant (as opposed to just full of carbonara), but it won’t be causing any major obstructions yet, and those zinging hormones will be doing their best to make your skin and hair look super lush. Enjoy the glow - and take lots of selfies!  

In about 20 weeks… you’ll be moving into your third trimester aka Really Quite Seriously Pregnant Now. This is when you’ll want to start getting properly ready for your little one’s arrival, from thinking about your hospital bag (no need to pack it yet though) to beginning antenatal classes if you fancy them and, of course, getting the baby’s nursery ready.

In about 26 weeks… this is when your LittleList delivery will arrive, if you’ve stuck to our default delivery time of 33 weeks. Perfectly in tune with those crazy nesting instincts that are likely to be kicking in right about now too…

In about 29 weeks… you will be full-term, meaning the chances of your baby arriving (and safely too) will be rising rapidly each day - even if your due date still feels like a way off. If you’re employed, this might also be roughly the time you waddle off on maternity leave. Enjoy that blissful freedom (and many decaf coffees and trashy reality shows).

In about 33 weeks… your baby is due! But you might have even had it already: more than half of babies are born before their due date. 

See, it all sounds pretty quick when you look at it like that, doesn’t it? We know this early bit can drag but we promise it will all be worth it. 

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