Are you struggling with morning sickness during pregnancy? Trust us, we know morning sickness is no joke. Before your baby actually formed, visions of being hungover with your head in the toilet probably sprung to mind when the thought of morning sickness cropped up. We’re sorry to announce that it is likely worse, and probably all the time too. (Unless you’re one of those lucky goddesses that float through their pregnancy without so much as an off day. If that’s you, humbly close out of this tab and try not to gloat too much about your superior early pregnancy symptoms.)
Quick disclaimer: We are total baby experts at LittleList, and we sure do know our bassinets from our Baby Bjorns, but we are not medical professionals. If you can’t keep anything down for 24 hours, have very dark urine or haven’t weed in more than 8 hours, feel severely weak, dizzy or faint when standing up, have tummy (abdominal) pain, a high temperature or vomit blood - please call your GP or 111.
Whether you’re actually vomiting or simply feeling constantly nauseous, morning sickness can feel like a nightmare that never ends, but there is hope. (And plenty to look forward to!) Typically, it’s all gone by 16 to 20 weeks, and often a fair bit sooner. To help you survive the next 10 weeks, we’ve got our tried and tested sickness remedies that’ll soothe your stomach.