
So, You’re Pregnant. Now What?

You’re pregnant, and you’ve got the line on the stick to prove it. Amazing! But, what happens next?

positive pregnancy test

You’re pregnant, and you’ve got the line (or actual words) on the stick to prove it. Amazing! But, what happens next? It can feel like a bit of an anti-climax when it feels too early to tell anyone, but you’re desperate to feel pregnant by doing something… anything… to mark this momentous news. So here are a few pointers…

calendar illustration

Calculate your due date 

We’d recommend the official NHS due date calculator to figure out when your little one will be turning up in your arms - you just need the date of your last period. When the time comes for your first ultrasound scan, this date might change, but it’s a good starting point.

Call your GP

Even though not much happens medically at this point in pregnancy, it’s good to get yourself on the system as soon as possible so you can make sure you have all your appointments at the right time. Give your surgery a call, let them know you’re waving a positive pregnancy test around with wild abandon and they will direct you accordingly - usually by scheduling you in for your midwife booking appointment for when you’re around 8 weeks along. If you suffer from any medical conditions or are on medication, it’s worth flagging this with the surgery too so you can be advised accordingly (and definitely before you suddenly stop taking anything without the relevant advice!). 

Take your vitamins

It’s never too soon to start taking prenatal vitamins - or at the very least, folic acid, which can help your baby’s brain, skull and spinal cord develop in the right way. You can pick these up cheaply and easily from your supermarket, pharmacy or humongous online warehouse of choice.

Evaluate what you put in your body

If you’re a smoker or you drink alcohol, you’re going to need to try your best to quit those habits, at least temporarily. If you’re panicking that you’ve been unwittingly a-puffing and a-boozing before you realised you were pregnant, be kind to yourself - this is incredibly normal and the chances of any harm to your baby are seriously minimal, promise.

Similarly, you’ve probably heard that there are various foods that you should avoid in pregnancy - including unpasteurised cheeses and undercooked meat. Some parents to be don’t pay much attention to this advice and do just fine eating whatever they fancy, but it’s a good idea to arm yourself with the relevant knowledge and use your common sense accordingly.

Keep an eye on your symptoms

Four weeks in, you’re probably not feeling anything in particular - other than excited/scared/excited and scared in equal measure - but those early pregnancy symptoms, from sore boobs to nausea to all-consuming fatigue, might well start to kick in soon, although you’re a few weeks off from them peaking. You’ll also want to look out for any spotting in your underwear/loo roll (and call your GP if you’re concerned about anything). If you’re into tracking your bodily functions, you could make a note of any symptoms - but otherwise, just listen to your body and get rest when you feel like you need it.

Think about your job

It might feel way too early to talk to your boss or any colleagues about the fact that you’re pregnant, but if you’re in a role that’s physically risky (we’re sure loads of fire-breathing action stunt doubles are reading this, right?), it might be worth a discreet chat sooner - or at least familiarising yourself with your company’s HR regs. If you work for a big company, they’ll have a protocol for pregnancy; if you’re self-employed or work for a smaller outfit, you might need to do a bit of digging yourself. But at least it passes the time while you’re waiting for that first midwife appointment…

Woman thinking

Celebrate and relax!

Pregnancy, especially early pregnancy, can be seriously anxiety-inducing, but we’d urge you to take a moment to bask in your happiness - whether with your partner, if you have one, any cherished loved ones you feel comfortable sharing the news with, or just by yourself. This is the beginning of an exciting journey and here at LittleList we can’t wait to be by your side every step of the way. It might feel too early to start planning what to buy but we’re ready and waiting whenever you need us.

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